About Us
PopCTrivia.com is the debut release from CraftGames - a builder and purveyor of choice digital entertainment.
Developed for those of us who grew up with VHS, arcade tokens, Oregon Trail, beepers, the seminal days of the personal computer, and a time when MTV only played music videos -- PopCTrivia began as a breakroom (or barstool) debate.
As kids of Boomer parents, what, we argued, "What is the greatest decade?"
The 70's? 80's? Maybe the 90's or the "naughts"? From these lively discussions, we started building our own personal team lists to vote on, planting the brain-teaser seeds for the trivia game you're now enjoying.
From nostalgia to retro, mod to modern, we wish you enjoyment (and success) taking on our deep cache of questions, just as our CraftGames team looks forward to launching additional games, content, and digital entertainment harkening back to the highlights of our childhoods.